Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Microsoft Windows Live

Probably this would have been the most read/talked about news on Nov 1st, Microsoft trying out Windows Live, the new strategic move from Microsoft. The reason being, Microsoft steps out from the pure PC tools/software mode to Web Browser tools/service mode. So far they have been concentrating only on PC centric softwares and services, but due to Yahoo and Google offering Web Browser centric tools and services they were kind of forced to join the race.

Some wonderful pictures from Nov 1st Windows & Office Live conference headed by Bill Gates at San Francisco’s Palace Hotel.(Uploaded by niallkennedy)

One of the Interesting things as pointed out by Om is the next generation Microsoft Messenger which integrates with address book, email, and VoIP calling. I am searching endlessly on where I posted my ‘predictions’ on “Microsoft would actually come out with something like this” some time back, but so far no luck

Some more interesting thoughts on this topic by Harry McCracken

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