Thursday, January 05, 2006


Cash Reserves

I was suddenly interested to know how much cash reserves some of the big companies hold and found the following details. Before that,

What is Cash Reserve?

A cash reserve is a pool of funds (and sometimes credit) that you hold in a readily available form to meet emergency and other highly urgent, short-term needs. Sometimes, it is referred to as an emergency or contingency fund.

Cash Reserves of some big companies are like

Microsoft 40 billion
Toyota 20 billion
Intel 12 billion
GE 8.8 billion
Google 7 billion
IBM 4 billion
EBay 1 billion

Hey, I don’t vouch for the approximates for the details given and don’t blame me if suddenly someone goes from Cash Rich to Cash Poor.

Enron literally had no cash reserves and seems nobody noticed it and finally it became bankrupt. One interesting article on the “Fall of Enron”.

Thats interesting. Microsoft has a cash reserve equal to the sum of the next three.
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