Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Multi-Tasking Mobile phones

"President of Napster Brad Duea says the future of music is not iPods and other mp3 players, but music-enabled mobile phones. "

Sure thats how its going to be, remember the 1980`s and 1990`s and even the 2000`s where everyone had multiple devices like Photo Camera, Disk Man, Mobile Phone, Walk Man`s. And we need to carry all or most of this during our outing/picnic`s, now everything is compacted and available into one single device, thats the new generation Mobile phones.

They take better pictures, play your music, call/talk with others and directly send the pictures taken to the printers through bluetooth. Web/Internet browsing had also become features available in these smart mobile phones and the good thing is, with all these features and capabilities the size of the phones are not bigger, they are compact,sleek and very beautiful.

The second half of 2007 is going to be very interesting in this mobile market space, as thats the time iPhone from Apple will get introduced and that is going to set the bar very high for the other mobile phone makers and we are really going to see lots of interesting and innovative mobile devices for sure.

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