Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It’s a known fact that the attrition rate in BPO industry is very high as many people could not cope with high stressful work and the very odd timings. To identify those workers who would possibly quit in near future, convergys HR team had come with a tool named RAG. RAG stands for Red, Amber and Green, the person who falls in the Red category would be expected to quit very soon in a month.
b) Work from Customer Country – Companies can setup centres where the employees would work for sometime or every 2-3 months in the regular timings of the customers. Say UK based outsourced work will let the BPO employee to work from
c) 4 days working per week – Normally Saturday and Sundays are rest days, maybe for this industry they can implement to have one more day of leave so that it would help the employees to refresh and maintain the balance.
Premji, eb advised, very soon soem frustrated engineers will open a site and paint in black and white about your internal workings. Fix them sooner before its too late.
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